A Week of Thanksgiving

It is hard to believe that this Thursday is Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to some time with family, including great food.  This time of year is extremely sacred to me, because it will mark four years since my mother died.  This season is not sad for me, but it is one that is set apart as holy and special.  I give thanks for not only my mom’s life, but also for the many people who have made my life better because of their incredible legacy.

I remember holidays gone by and am caught up in a sea of emotions.  I think of Thanksgiving in the house in which I was raised, and am immediately swept away with visions of my big family laughing and sharing crazy stories.  I remember that I was a part of the wonderful custom of maintaining the importance of family and friends.  The lessons I learned from past holidays are traditions that I continue to share with my family today.  I hug those closest to me and remind them that they are loved more than they could ever imagine.

Today, I am grateful for a life filled with people who love me and continue to care for me.  I wish only the most incredible blessings to everyone as we all take time out of our chaotic schedules to remember to give thanks to friends, family, and our Creator.  May the joy of this season wash over you and leave you with a hope that you never dreamed possible.  May you lay aside your disagreements and share in the fact that we are all God’s children.

And I can’t let a Thanksgiving season go without saying, “I miss you mom, and I know that your spirit is with me every day.  I continue to raise my children in the light of the love that you gave me.  I know that when I share the feast with the family on Thursday, you will be in the room with all of us, smiling that we all are together sharing a moment of joy.  I love you and thank you for the gift of life.”

Published by joekmac

I am a pastor in the United Methodist Tradition. I am the Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Belen in the New Mexico Annual Conference. I am married to Cazandra and have two sons with hemophilia.

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